Optimising Website for Mobile First Indexing
Mobile Wins New Title – Mobile First Indexing
Mobile first indexing is king and the new SEO kid on the block.
At least that’s according to Google’s view on what is currently the best way to look at website rankings, SERPS as they are commonly known.
Anyone who has an interest in marketing anything online, as a digital manager or business owner knows that Google organic search can make or break your digital marketing success, not to mention your marketing budget.
Why Is Organic Search So Important ?
With free organic traffic your getting the web visitors gratis, usually with some investment in good SEO having been made previously to earn that Google trust for your website. By delivering quality content and an outstanding website user experience, especially and increasingly the mobile user experience. Its upon us and it’s here to stay!
Not surprising really, with the majority of people who use Google search today, doing so from mobile devices.
So When Did Things Change With Mobile Search?
In 2015 Google introduced mobile friendly pages and gave the nod of approval to websites passing their mobile friendly page test, with improved rankings and the associated traffic volumes that this brings.
Stop Press
Mobile First Indexing Has Been Launched By Google
Google has now stated that it’s not just the quality of mobile user experience that affects your Google mobile ranking, but also impacts positively or negatively your desktop ranking as well. This is a game changer and turns all SEO on it’s head taking the focus from content marketing and technical SEO to technical SEO (mobile focused) as the big priority to get right.
Without the right mobile first indexing strategy, your website may be increasingly obselete in the next few months, rather than the next few years.
Google says not to panic, its only just started with mobile first indexing in December 2017 with a handful of sites, then a big change in SERPS was reported by website owners in May 2018, with more on the way.
Tips To Get Your Site Up To Date For Mobile First Indexing
AMP is helpful to boost mobile page rendering speed, and there are many useful plugins to turn your website home page into accelerated mobile page, which gives an improved mobile user experience and makes it easier to navigate.
The full briefing and guidelines from Google can be read here for mobile first indexing.
If you want to test your website, there is a mobile friendly test available in Search Console.
In Summary,
As Google is determined to give their mobile users a quality user experience, it makes sense to prioritise on getting your sites up to speed.
Mobile First Indexing is here to stay and that’s based on the widespread growth in mobile searches.
Having mobile-friendly content is still helpful for those looking at ways to perform better in mobile search results.
If you would like some help with updating your website for improved mobile performance, please get in contact.
Contact Steve at Social Media SEO in Twickenham, London.
Mobile: 07872 535 507 (UK)
From mobile friendly in 2015 to rolling out mobile-first indexing in December 2017 and more in 2018 onwards. Google mobile searches have overtaken desktop Google searches, so mobile is now king. This means mobile first indexing will lead Google rankings from now on. A big mindshift by website owners and managers is urgently needed to ensure online survival in the mobile first age.